Monday, June 27, 2011

Your argument precludes the possibility of a no win scenario.

I had a pretty unremarkable weekend. My boss set me up with golf lessons on friday, so after leaving work I headed over to the driving range-place. I will say the pro really knows what he is doing (which makes sense, being a pro and all). He told me I have to hit at least one bucket of balls every day in between lessons, so I did that. It's kinda nice, getting away and just not worrying about anything. On the other hand, there might be too much escapism going on. I just get tired of being disappointed over and over. That sounds really whiney and bitchey, but I don't know how else to explain how I feel. It just feels like nothing is really stable; the people I was accustomed to talking to suddenly are MIA, my usual music isn't providing the feelings I'm used to; I just feel sort of lost.

Maybe I will attempt to link my life to the movie I watched last night. Now, I know I've already used Waiting in a post before, but it just feels so applicable. Now, I know I'm not working as a waiter, or working part time, or trying to go back to college to finish my degree, or any of the other problems faced by the protagonists. But seriously, find me a movie about corporate youth feeling disenfranchised please.

I guess it's just the way it is.

No movie quote today. Nothing comes to mind.

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