Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Confusion, reconsidered

So this post is kinda similar to one I wrote a few years ago (oh snap, I just hinted that I have another blog hidden somewhere in the great expanse that is the Interwebs.) But it fits with today, so without reading it (and bothering to remember where I actually wrote it) I'm just going to stream of consciousness it.

I think the biggest reason I can't find a relationship isn't the fact that I'm weird/eccentric/whatever, but that I base my relationships off ridiculously impossible models. I can remember watching Pretty Woman (shut up) when I was younger, and thinking to myself 1) damn, Julia Roberts is fine, 2) I want to be Richard Gere when I grow up, and 3) That is how a relationship should work. The woman should fall for you, you do something stupid and screw it up, and then a momentous effort of romantic forte makes her realize that you do in fact love her and want to spend you life with her. Name a romantic comedy/drama, and I can almost guarantee this exact progression. Boombox over the head, running after the parcel truck, showing up at her house and going with her to her niece/nephew's christmas musical (Say Anything, Runaway Bride, Love Actually, for those of you actually keeping count). How ridiculous is it that I have to base my thoughts on romance and relationships off what other people have written to make money? Does that not frighten anyone else?

The other base that I can identify for my thoughts on romance comes from a TV show whose main character I identify with so much that it borders on creepy. John D. Dorian and Elliot Reid. God damnit, but they are perfect for each other. Seriously, their individual neuroses play off each other so well, it's almost as if they were meant for each other (yes, sarcasm). But seriously, who didn't watch Season 1 Episode 1 (My First Day) and immediately know "no matter how long it takes, they're getting married." Realistically, yeah right. Challenge: Find two people who have flirted and been on and off for seven years and see how likely that is. There's a reason that people date on and off, and it tends not to be "oh so we can get married later."

On the other hand, maybe I'm just bitter and cynical.

I'll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies, Casablanca.

"You played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can! Play it!"

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