Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New place; new things

So I guess I'll try this whole blog thing out, seeing as how everyone and their mother (actually just my sisters) have them.

Well, Texas has been interesting so far. I will say that moving first to a town of 8,000 people where you know 1 person and then to a city of 120,000 where you know zero is definitely a change. For the better? Maybe. Sometimes I do miss CA, where I know people, and I can be proud of being from there, but at the same time, I know that if I was back in the Bay I would end up falling back into the same pits I climbed out of to move to Gunnison. I guess my success is vindicating; knowing that I can succeed somewhere completely unknown.

I really should get out and meet people, but maybe I'm just not a social person. I hate the idea of camping out at a bar just to maybe meet some new people, but at the same time, I haven't really had any success at BN. Fencing has been a good way to be active and social, but it's just different than how things were in Gunnison. Maybe that's why everyone always says "these are the best years of your life"; not because you are having the time of your life, but you make your best friends then.

Hmm, oh, pet peeve of the day/week/however often I update this thing: People who don't pull forward during green lights in left turn lanes. Seriously, if you pull partway into the lane, you can possibly squeeze a turn into a gap in the traffic, or make your left when the light turns yellow. You are slowing down everyone else trying to make a left.

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