Thursday, June 9, 2011

Internet Dating

So it's kinda depressing that I'm writing about romance twice in two days, but hush. Last night was messing around on my iPhone, looking at what the "Genius" thought I should download, and like half of the apps were dating/romance/whatever apps. Seriously Apple? I have never downloaded one of those, so why do you think I would? Just cause I'm reading/playing games during prime date time does not mean you need to bombard me with dating help.

On an unrelated note, I am now trying out three of the stupid dating apps they suggested. Too bad Midland isn't Dallas/Fort Worth/Austin/Houston, cause there are like 3 people here who use any form of internet dating.

But, I shall leave you with a quote from Waiting:

"So are you going to talk to her or are you just gonna hope you're never forced to make an actual decision?"
-"I'm going with option B."
"That's my boy."

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