Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it

Why hello there internet, didn't see you!

Ok, cheesy intro aside, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm a little bummed that my Bonsai Tree starter kit hasn't shown up yet (getting the urge to grow small trees and do tiny little cuts and wirings), but I also found a website that sells (get this) blocks of briar wood already drilled for carving into a pipe! Seriously, how awesome is that? I can sit in my backyard and whittle a pipe and be all old timey. I need to grow a pimpin' mustache and beard, and start referring to back in the day. Like "back in my day, we used to have Muppets that had peoples' hands inside them" or "back in my day, we would fight over what team was better, the Blue Barracudas or the Green Monkeys (Barracudas!)."

I'm heading down to Las Cruces, NM, to hang out with the lady friend for the night, and then to Artesia for the weekend. Should be fun, I haven't gotten to see her just one on one yet, so really looking forward to any shenanigans that may ensue. And I always have a good time with the gentlemen.

I am still confused about my future, but I think I've been taking positive steps towards establishing myself in a community someday. Watch out for "Reid Edwards for Mayor" signs coming soon to a town near you!

I think I'll leave you with a quote from Back to the Future: Part 1.

"Oh, my god, they found me. I don't know how, but they found me. Run for it Marty.
-Who? Who?
Who do you think? The Libyans!"

Monday, August 1, 2011

This song is for the rats, who hurl themselves into the ocean

I know its been for-fucking-ever since I updated this thing, and maybe that's good. Maybe putting every thought I get out into the blog-o-sphere isn't always the best idea. Maybe I need to stop using dashes in every sentence I type here. I don't really know. I do know that even though not everything I say should go online, sometimes you just need to ramble.

So, my garden is getting there. I have no idea if the plants are going to be ok with the amount of light/heat, but I'm trying my best. Sometimes it's nice to do a reverse-Fight Club (I wanted to create something beautiful). On that note, my bonsai trees show up in the next day or so, so that should be a fun new hobby. It's probably not healthy burying myself in hobbies rather than facing living, but it is much easier.

God, I sound morose.

EDIT: Just realized I didn't end with a movie quote. From The Usual Suspects (I have no idea why this fits, but it does. Don't think about it)
"You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. he's gone. "