Tuesday, September 20, 2011

If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled.

Morbid title aside (it's just really nice here and I couldn't find a better quote about weather), things are good today. I woke up early so I could go to Starbucks and get the best beverage they make (venti pumpkin spice latte). Seriously, if you haven't had one, well if not, why am I talking to you? Go get one and then come back.

Ok, have your beverage? Is it as delicious as you imagined? Good.

Anyway. I've been reading a new series (The Kingkiller Chronicles), and the first book is stupendous. Seriously. If you at all enjoy fantasy, pick it up and enjoy. I was up till 1 a.m. last night reading and munching on pita chips while the small fuzzy thing looked at me forlornly because I didn't share (more than a few at least).

It feels good to be reading again; as much as I enjoy watching TV and movies, I have yet to find an episode of any show that can be as powerful as a well written chapter of a great book. Ok, scratch that. It is rare to find an episode; I just remembered a couple from Scrubs, The West Wing, and Futurama (oh Seymour, best dog ever). But besides the occasion glimpse of glory, you rarely (or at least I rarely) get the oomph I so crave from TV.

So with that, here is a quote from Robin Williams, back when he was awesome, as Batty, from FernGully: The Last Rainforest.
"-First thing, all these trees go. Then come your highways, then come your shopping malls, and your parking lots, and your convenience stores, and then come... Price check on prune juice, Bob. Price check on prune juice."

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